Don't be cruel.
Use English, don't spam, don't be vulgar or derogatory and don't be malicious.
Don't abuse soundboards/voice changers, malicious audio/music, or scream.
Don't make additional accounts to subvert rules or gain advantages.
Don't harass or cause trouble and don't cheat or streamsnipe.
Discords Terms of Service and Community Guidelines always apply and all predatory behavior will get you reported to regionally appropriate government agencies.
Keep your username and status free from blatant vulgarity, and don't impersonate people.
Don't advertise here without permission.
Do not request IRL information or share any without consent.
Obey Axxios Leadership directions.
While Direct Messaging (DMing) other users; do NOT advertise, threaten, harass, spam, forward malicious links or share unwanted images.
Don't join an Axxios Community and give information to other communities or try to ruin the community.
If you've joined a Team Axxios Hosted game-server, follow those additional rules/guidelines